I have been working with Westway IT since May 2022. During this time, I have typed and edited John’s thoughts into full blog posts and helped pen press releases for lunch and learn events. I’ve even helped John restructure his website, with copywriting advice.
“Being the owner of an IT support company I can get over technical and lose clarity with techno talk. Surrounded by too many acronyms and ever changing names of features and products with new buzz words coming and going as new technologies make the headlines.
Sara is able to help me turn that technical into fantastic articles, make my proposals more engaging and my website hit the right notes. I can put together a basic frame of this is what I want to explain and Sara comes back with a near spot on first result which may only need the odd technical detail tweaked.
Thank you for your support.”
Blog posts
Some of the blog posts I have written include
Why cyber security for your business is like owning a good car
Take the pain out of expenses by automating your process in 3 steps!
Windows 8.1 End of Life How to plan for and replace your outdated PC
Data Protection: What do you do when your employee goes rogue?
How to stop your important business emails going to spam folders
Case studies
Case studies are an important part of converting leads. So far, I have interviewed several clients and written copy for John’s templates. These include:
LinkedIn articles / LinkedIn newsletter
Press releases
I have written content for press releases used in conjunction with Lunch and Learn events.
Social Media
I create graphics and content snippets for social media regarding a dark web monitoring campaign. This was designed to provide traffic for a landing page.
😲 Are you giving hackers easy access?
I often get asked, “How safe are my passwords?” and the honest truth is that I see several common problems leading to weaker security.
👉 the same passwords used for several accounts
👉 passwords with minimal changes, e.g. one number or letter difference
If a hacker can guess one password, then they will quickly guess most of your passwords.
Don’t give hackers easy access to your business data.
😊 Let me help show you where your risks are with a ✅ FREE Dark Web Scan Report https://go.westwayit.co.uk/dark-web-scan-report
#cybersecurity #itsolutions
😊 If you know where potential cybercriminals can get into your business, then you can prevent them.
Let me help show you where your risks are with a ✅ FREE Dark Web Scan Report https://go.westwayit.co.uk/dark-web-scan-report
#cybersecurity #datatheft
If you need a copywriter to create compelling copy, someone who understands the customer journey, fill in the project brief form below!