Can you help me repurpose my insight report? Quick fix 13

Can you help me repurpose my insight report? Quick fix 13

In this quick-fix case study, I'll cover two retainer client projects, both under NDA. While you won’t get any details, I want to speak broadly about how repurposing can greatly impact content creation on other platforms.

The brief and quick fix

“I have this amazing insight report we wrote for our clients, but how can I repurpose it for more traction in my marketing?”

Great question!

And yes, I can do that. Here’s how I would recommend anyone approach this project.

Firstly, you need to realise your audience may be interested in specific insights, trends, or findings. And that not every ideal customer will find the same information useful at any one point in time; it depends on where they are in the marketing or sales funnel.

From here, you can start segmenting your report. What’s  good for current clients and what’s good for leads.

Secondly, you need to understand the platforms on which your leads and clients find you and how information should be optimised and in which formats. When you consider this, you also have to consider that not every platform follower will read or even see what you post,  so there is a value to repurposing the bigger points more than once.

This leads to further segmentation.

Time consuming but worth it!

It’s a puzzle, really, but there are easy ways to get started. Contact me if you need help here.


I want to share a very broad and simplified flow chart to discuss the results for these clients.

how to repurpose an insights report for content marketing

Here you will see that an insights report can become a social awareness post, a blog and an email campaign. These can then be further repurposed to create specific clusters of content for socials and blogs around individual findings or points of debate. The aim is to create engagement and fill your email platform with fresh subscribers.

The schematic is by no means an end to your use of the insight report content. You can also use it to lead into next year’s report or to give evidence in other content pieces that help your audience solve a problem. Teaching moments if you like.

And there’s probably more still.

The crucial thing is that you don’t limit yourself to one point of use for all the fantastic data you uncovered. Get out there, use it and think about all of your channels.

Maybe you create webinars, videos, courses, or something else entirely based on the time and money you spent.

The take-away: Always maximise your content investments, and the content writes itself (with the help of a pretty savvy copywriter!)

Sara Millis

Freelance B2B Content Writer ✒️ Blog posts, Web copy and LinkedIn articles 🤓 Confessed SEO and Data Nerd 😂