"Quick Fix No. 1" - How to get more pages indexed on Goggle

"Quick Fix No. 1" - How to get more pages indexed on Goggle

Welcome to a new blog series called, you guessed it, "The "quick fix content" SEO case studies". Not the most exciting of titles, but aptly descriptive.

This series aims to take you behind the scenes to my content writing and SEO client work. I won't give you names and sites, but I will provide you with lessons learned.

Let's start with case study number 1.

The brief

"To understand why Google Search Console has 7.01k unindexed pages for this client's site."

Sheesh, that's a lot, right? Well, let me give you some context.


This job site also runs training courses and operates across borders. As such, it has a string of content pages and blog posts but also has a lot of short-term pages - job and event listings.

There's always an issue with sites like this when it comes to page indexing because as fast as Google crawls job and event listing pages (and sometimes even before they get a chance to), your pages get taken down because applications close.

Initial Problems

Looking at Google Search Console, there are several issues to take care of. Many of them require technical team input.

From my standpoint, as a content writer and copywriter, there will be a lot of content restructuring and rewrites for more resounding wins.

But I want to start with something simple.

The Quick Fix

Ok, so there's no big win from quick fixes, and you have to watch that a quick fix doesn't sacrifice the greater long-term good.

The truth is that I need the technical team's input here (and case studies will follow)


By pressing the "validate fix" button on two Google tasks within the Page Indexing area of Google Search Console, "Crawled - currently not indexed" and "Discovered - currently not indexed", we have seen a jump of 1074 pages indexed in less than a month!

That's just 30 seconds of my time.


New Google Search Console Page Indexing stats

In 28 days, we have seen

  • Organic search +3.5% from the preceding period.

  • DAU/MAU +9.2%

  • DAU/WAU +0.4%

  • WAU/MAU +8.8%

All from increasing indexed pages by 1074. At the cost of 30 seconds of my time.

We have a long way to go, but the big lesson here is to look for the quick fixes that help make a start on what you are trying to achieve - and take them!

Next steps

As I mentioned, this is a massive site with several indexing issues, and for that, I have and will have to work with multiple departments to action improvements.

Firstly I'll be working with the technical team to action coding change. Then I'll work with the recruitment and training teams to streamline and optimise future job and course listings to avoid canonicalisation (say that three-time fast!).

While that work is underway, I have an audit report in review with the marketing team to see where I can jump in and assist with the significant content rewrites and content assimilation that will give them the perfect combination of traffic attraction and landing page conversion opportunities.

Need someone skilled enough to audit your site content? Check out my website services and contact me.

Sara Millis

Freelance B2B Content Writer ✒️ Blog posts, Web copy and LinkedIn articles 🤓 Confessed SEO and Data Nerd 😂