"Quick Fix No. 4" - How to swap paid traffic to organic website traffic

"Quick Fix No. 4" - How to swap paid traffic to organic website traffic

Welcome to “quick fix” content SEO case study number 4. Today, we will look at a fairly new website from an already-established company. We’ll be asking how content can decrease ad spend and increase traffic.

The Brief

"Swap paid ad spend for organic traffic from search engines."


As I mentioned this is an establish company who has a new website. Their traffic was primarily from increased paid ads. 

Compounding this problem was the site had little service page content and no blog. Cost per acquisition was sky-high as a result because there wasn’t reason enough for traffic to convert.

Initial Problems

High ad spend does not do much for ROI, and to be honest, ad spend wasn’t bringing in higher and higher search impressions or CTR over time. It had plateaued. Every month, when the company took an ad break, they saw a dramatic drop to almost zero in traffic.

At the same time, there’s work to be done on-site through optimisation and core page development.

The Quick Fix

I started this project by creating a steady stream of helpful blog content for decision-makers while ad spending was decreased. All in a space where operators and service providers are pretty tight-lipped. This is great because it means little keyword competition, but it could also indicate that decision-makers are sourcing their information from other digital outlets.

It was a tough experiment.


We are into our third quarter together, and our snapshot compares Q3 to Q2 2023.

During that time, my work has resulted in:

  • 14 blog posts published - SEO and consumer-focused

  • 1,090 impression increase

  • 8 more clicks

At the same time, ad spending has slowly decreased, meaning that organic traffic is starting to pick up pace.

Next Steps

It’s still early days, but there’s lots to come. We are more clued into the content we need to produce, and our SERP authority is rising.

This space has amazing potential because it’s pretty untapped, so I hope to cash in and make a splash. 

Meanwhile, I’m also helping with LinkedIn content to establish a presence and let people know to look for content about the sector on our website. This is also bringing in fresh leads, but that’s another story!

Need someone skilled enough to write your site content? Check out my website services and contact me.

Sara Millis

Freelance B2B Content Writer ✒️ Blog posts, Web copy and LinkedIn articles 🤓 Confessed SEO and Data Nerd 😂